Joey "Lindin" Barbosa
Musical Director of La Nueva Ola All Star Band and founder of Puerto Rico Rock and Roll Hall of Fame


The beginning of this band was like this as I remember:

In 1966 I formed a band in my garage in Puerto Rico. The name was THE GADGETS. At the beginning the members were Alex Rodriguez (The Challengers), Johnny, Felix Rodriguez (later with La Banda del K-Rajo), Elmo (great singer), and yours truly. Later Alex left with The Challengers and Johnny went in the Army. I met a young guitarist (ALBERTO) who owned a Gretch Country Gentleman and a Super Beatle. He could play great rhythm but as a lead guitarist, no way. At one time we had a great keyboard player (NOEL) who had a Vox organ and played it through a Leslie speaker. We used other guitar players like Joaquin (PILLO) as we used to call him.

The Gadgets

Right after that I left to live in New York for a little while and when I returned, David asked me to join The Telstars because he wanted to play guitar again since he was playing bass with them (I play bass). After that The Telstars broke up and Abraham Shoo were born without David. Requiem continued with a keyboard player (CHEPO-RIP) Banucci singing, Jorge on bass, Alberto guitar, and Felix on drums. The band evolved and got David to play guitar and Mario to sing. Then they went on to play at The Place In The Sun in St. Thomas circa 68-69. I received a call from David and Mario to fly to St. Thomas because they were not happy with Jorge the bass player. I arrived early morning and was playing the same night, and continued to play for the remainder of that Summer. While we were there I bought a Latin Jazz record and the title was REQUIEM CHANT. We unanimously decided that we liked that for the name of the band. Later we kept REQUIEM and dropped CHANT from the name.




That summer we met an all girls group (THE FOXY LADIES), which played in another club (TRADER VICKS or DAN) don’t remember, they were from the Philadelphia area. They came to see us play and liked what we did so they invited us to come to Philly. But we had a band problem; Felix didn’t want to go to Philly with us. So Mario went and did something that to this day I don’t know how he did it, but he did. He got us one of the best drummers from one of the best bands in PR, (CUCO). Cuco said "I’m ready to go anywhere with you guys". We are glad he did. And we did just that in the spring of 1969. We arrived in Philly with great equipment but no money in our pockets. The picture that is roaming around, of us sitting on the stairway of the house we used to live in, SW 69 St. in Philly, clearly shows you that even though it was hard to find anything other than Dunkin Donuts to eat, we still wore a big smile. The first place we played as I remember was a Gay club. We didn’t know this until we got on the stage to play. I know that like me, we will forever be grateful to play in that place. Finally, after a long period of time, we were playing...and that was important to us.

Later something happened that put us on the top. David bought the Santana album and the rest is history. We learned I think the complete album in one afternoon. When we began playing that music in clubs around Jersey, NY and Philly we became the band that everybody wanted. Later, some of the members starting with David, then Chepo, went back to PR. Cuco also left to go up north. We formed the band with Charlie Golun, Adrian and Eric but right after that, Mario went with The Crystal Mansion and I went with Hereafter. While I was playing with Hereafter, the keyboard player, Bobby Martin, invited me to go with him to San Diego, California circa 1975 to record a few tracks for Ingrid Croce, widow of Jim Croce. During that section I met Bob Margolof who was the producer for some of Stevie Wonder’s records. He introduced me to a young guy whos name was Michael Sembello (Maniac), who wanted me to stay in California to record with him. At the same time the Requiem Band was playing around Florida with new members (Charlie Golun, David, Rino, Papo Atiles, and Carly). They were in need of a bass player again. I liked California, but missed my people and my father died that same year 1976, so I returned to the same band again. You all know what happened with Michael Sembello, and Bobby Martin ended up playing for Orleans (DANCE WITH ME), and later as one of the best members of the Frank Zappa Group. Zappa loved him. Check out his You Tube version of Whipping Post Live with Bobby singing it, and you'll see why. After that era, I think the best person to tell you about the Requiem Band is David Romero. He remembers a lot of the Florida days in the late 70’s.

I’m currently playing in Puerto Rico with Top Banana, Big Shoes, Rubben and the Retrofingers and Street Kids soon in one of your favorite establishments.

Early picture of Street Kids
Joey, Joe Taino, Rafi Cruz


Recently the original members of the Requiem Band got together and recorded two songs. The Flame and the Moth written by Bobby Martin, and Love in Motion written by Joey Lindin Barbosa. We still need to do about eight more songs to finish the CD. This is something I feel very proud of, to be able to do original music with my friends from the Requiem Band.

Well folks, Requiem will always be in my heart, and no matter how many years pass by, we will continue to keep in contact. And I promise that we will have a reunion with all members that are still around and of course, record and play some music.



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